Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Karim's Restaurant

[caption id="attachment_116" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chicken saag and almond mutton curries, with tandori roti on the side."]Chicken saag and almond mutton curries, with tandori roti on the side.[/caption]


Karim's is an instution in Delhi that's been around virtually forever and is the type of place you just have to go to. In the courtyard outside the restaurant men are crouch by the side of the big tandoori ovens, reaching down into them to stick soft balls of dough against the inside walls, or plunging long skewers of chicken.

When I came, I had the saag chicken which had a very smooth spinach sauce with an incredibly deep, rich flavour. Also had the almond curry which was really special, the sauce also very rich with quite soft spicey flavours and the strong creaminess of the almond.

This is probably a place to go with more people however, so that you can explore more dishes, some of which are quite high in price.

DirectionsProbably the easiest way to get there is to take metro to Chawri Bazaar and walk along the strete of the same name until you get to the mosque. Follow the boundary of the mosque round to the right, then to the left.  Karims is leading off opposite the wall of the mosque, about about half way this along south side. Its virtually on the corner. There are a couple of other resturants out the front, and an small alleyway leading through to the courtyward with Karims.

Gali Kababian, near Jama Masjid Gate No. 1. Ph. +91-11-23269880, 23264981.


About R 120 - 200 each dish


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