Sunday, January 4, 2009



Excellent! Really huge portions, with very well cooked steak, chicken, venison, and more (circa $18 for entree). You really have to be a meat lover to enjoy the food here, but if you are it is so much better than most meat heavy US restaurants. It is also accompanied by really good spatzle (small twists of potato pasta commonly eaten in Germany and Switzerland) and other great vegetables including delicious red cabbage. If all that isn't enough, the restaurant also has an amazing range of German and Belgian beers - including some rare ones!. I've been to Germany a couple of times and I really believe that this place could hold its own against the restuarants there.



525 Laguna St
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 252-9289

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1 comment:

tasithoughts said...

I also love that you posted this review. I am going to check this place out.